SportLemon is not available legally in the UK
Are you looking for live streams to watch live football? Trying to find SportLemon streams to live sporting events such as Boxing, Rugby or MotoGP?
About SportLemon (or the other domains recently located at,,,, or to name a few) is a free streaming website that shows live broadcasts of 100's of live football games including Premier League matches.
Is Sportlemon safe?
Sportlemon's live streams may be free to download, but these types of websites have malicious advertising techniques that can infect your device with malware in order to make money. Users generally have to click through a series of pop-ups, pop -unders and deceptive download requests in order to get to the stream itself. We strongly advise you to avoid this type of activity.
Users of Sportlemon or other live streams may not be aware that accessing these live streams are breaking the law and could face prosecution and a hefty fine if they are caught downloading and watching live football.
Is there an alternative to SportLemon?
We would always recommend that you watch Live sport in the UK via an official Sky Sports subscription or TNT Sports package, which allows UK users to watch Sky Sports channels (such as Sky Sports Main Event, Sky Sports Premier League, Sky Sports Football and Sky Sports Box Office).
What upcoming soccer matches are on Sky / TNT Sports?
Use our Match schedule links below to find out what live football is being shown on TV right now rather than use Sportlemon: