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Fotyval is a growing flash stream that supplies live football from around the world, covering popular TV channels in the UK.

If you want the best viewing experience for upcoming football matches, we would advise you use the official streams available (our schedules can be found by clicking the football link in our menu or opening the live stream below), rather than rely on Fotyval streams are not always available.

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About Fotyval Live Streams

Originally part of Streamplanet, Fotyval is the new name that supplies live streams for major Football matches from around the world including the Premier League and world competitions such as Euro 2024 and the Football World Cup.

Currently available via and, the websites are very simple in design and offer several stream links for each match - users should be cautious in clicking around these websites as most will direct you to rogue pop-ups and malvertising techniques that often send you to free sign-ups (needing credit card authorisation) to access matches which don't actually provide any live game as a result.

Many official broadcasters in the UK and Ireland who hold the broadcast rights to live football such as Sky Sports, TNT Sports (formerly BT Sport), Amazon Prime, Viaplay Sports are actively seeking to close down free streams that show matches without their permission.

What Live Football is currently available on Fotyval?

Use our clever TV Schedules to find out what live sport is being shown on Fotyval right now and find the official streams by clicking WATCH on each game:

- Football on Sky Sports
- Football on TNT Sports
- Rugby on Sky Sports
- Rugby on TNT Sports
- Cricket on Sky Sports
- Cricket on TNT Sports